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I Paul, called to be an apostle of our LORD CHRIST JESUS separated for the riches of the
glory of the mystery among the GentilesÍž that is Christ in us, the hope of glory, to the strangers of the twelve tribes scattered abroad, grace and peace from THE YAHWEH ELOHIM OUR FATHER THE TRINITY'S representative in Shekinaih and THE LORD CHRIST JESUS – JESUS'S representative in Aaron K David.


I thank CHRIST JESUS our LORD who has enabled meÍž counting me faithful, putting me into ministryÍž who previously was a blasphemer, persecutor and injuriousÍž but I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief, in bitterness and rational­ carnal mindedness manifestating of the works of the flesh but, the grace of our LORD  was  exceeding  abundant with love and grace through Shekinaih and Aaron K DavidÍž THE TRINITY'S representatives.


This is my testimony testifying the grace, mercy, love and the long suffering of our Father–THE TRINITY'S representative in Shekinaih, preached by THE LORD JESUS CHRIST–JESUS''S representative in Aaron K David.


By the grace in the THE TRINITY in Shekinaih and Jesus in Aaron K David and the energising of THE HOLY SPIRIT, I have come a long way. I witnessed much and learnt plenty. My eyes of understanding has been enlightened under the leadership and covering of CROWNED EAGLES GLOBAL'S helm by THE TRINITY'S representatives in Shekinaih and JESUS in Aaron K David. I believe to a good extent, I have a good idea of my hope of calling and the riches of my glory which was prepared before the foundation of the world.

By the grace bestowed unto me through the covering and impartations by His representatives
and according to His measure of riches of glory to me, my inner man is strengthened and renewed day by day. I am in awe as I try to comprehend the love of Christ which surpass all knowledge.


It has not been an easy journey for many who have started with me, for many have either left us or backslided. Some left spreading evil report, affecting and stumbling those who are keen to join us. I pray by God's mercy and grace that they may find forgiveness in the day of judgement. Of those who remained, many are struggling but continue to preservere in faith and patient in their calling and God's promises that never fail but continue to hold on to their
calling shall indeed inherit the kingdom.


Indeed as what JESUS says, Not all have faithÍž Not all are willing to pay the price of denying himself, taking up the cross and following the example of JESUS daily.

Initially when I first started, I do not understand. In my loftiness, I thought it is so simple, just be a yes man. But as I really go through the  crucifixion and purification process, I was struggling with the weaknesses of the flesh, I realised it is only by grace can we all be saved.



So many times, I have been humbled by situations and certain people God has placed in my life to keep me in check. I was taken back, disappointed, shocked, hurt when I am in my carnal rational mind. People whom I thought I could trust turn against me and backstabbed me. I had put my hope and trust in man wrongly. I should have put my hope and trust in the Living EL in Shekinaih – who has the last say in every event of my life.


Who is this THE TRINITY in Shekiniah? Or JESUS in Aaron K David? What are they? Why is their name so out of this world?


They are nobody who have passed the tests of God in their wilderness and have been approved by God and ordained to be leaders of CROWNED EAGLES GLOBAL, His ordained last day ministry to gather the 144,000 and prepare them for the last day standoff against the AntiChrist.


I have been with them from the start and bear witness to how THE ELOHIM has indeed use yielded vessel and manifest His glory through them.


Shekiniah see the big picture of the counsel of THE TRINITY through visions and hearing from God. Aaron K David fills in the details through the inspiration of THE HOLY GHOST and the word of God. Together they are the yingyangas per Chinese tradition, for your easy understanding.



Many times when Shekiniah see visions, good visions, we have no problemÍž but when her visions that offended my mind, problem aplenty. I will strive, I will gainsay, I will burn in offense. I will manifest the works of the flesh. However I will not have peace in my heart. And no matter what I do or say whatever that may sounds reasonable and logical, the wisdom in THE TRINITY in her will simply outwit me. I learned to be submissive to the counsel of THE TRINITY in her.

As time goes by, I reflect and as things and breakthroughs begin to happen, THE HOLY SPIRIT brings them to remembrance, I realised whatever she said is true. It is just at my point of receiving, I am not mature to understand because of my lack of experience and understanding of the ways of being a Christ coupled with the weaknesses of the flesh. God is indeed using Shekiniah as a major offense in exposing my heart and many of us to let us come to the realisation of the deceitfulness of our heart and the lowliness of mankind.


THE TRINITY in Shekinaih is ever loving and forbearing, full of mercy and grace to those who yielded, listens and obey after being corrected. I have lost count the umpteen times she would always recover me in prayers whenever I am in trouble or in need. She is always there for me. As I grow, I begin to understand the love of my Father using her as a vessel.





Now I hope and pray that as what Solomon said in Ecc 12, that I will always fear THE TRINITY's representatives, keep their spoken and given commandments for this is my duty as a son of the MOST HIGH.


Aaron K David is a teacher of the word, a diehard fan and follower of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST He is very gentle, impartial and very yielded to be used as a vessel for THE TRINITY. It is through his prophetic teaching, words of encouragement and transparent sharing of his experience which may be detrimental to him but he still share as he wants to see us grow – that have seen me through all these while whenever I am down, discouraged or overwhelmed by the enemy. To date, I still listen to the early teachings.

THE TRINITY'S representatives in both of them have moulded and contributed greatly to who I am today and my character in Christ.


Certainly there are others who have helped me in this journey and through our common faith, we have become brothers and sisters serving the same ELOHIM.

Jose, Esther, James, Sarah, Zechariah, Jerene, Kimberly Sarah, Yunus…




CROWNED EAGLES GLOBAL MINISTRY is unique on its own. It is made up of people from all walks of life. This is where the word of God comes to life through living together, experiencing the troubles we are put through together. Together we experience the body of ChristÍž when one part of the body suffers, the whole body suffers with it.


To THE TRINITY in Shekinaih and JESUS in Aaron K David

Ordained Last Day Ministry of Offences
Be All The Glory, Honour and Power Forever and Ever,

World Without End




CROWNED EAGLES GLOBAL MINISTRY is unique on its own. It is made up of people from all walks of life. This is where the word of God comes to life through living together, experiencing the troubles we are put through together. Together we experience the body of ChristÍž when one part of the body suffers, the whole body suffers with it.


To THE TRINITY in Shekinaih and JESUS in Aaron K David

Ordained Last Day Ministry of Offences
Be All The Glory, Honour and Power Forever and Ever,

World Without End




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