Jessie’s Vision of The Rapture
on 7 August 2016
A short introduction: Jessie is staying in China. She is one of our disciple who has a seer’s anointing.
Shekinaih: 现在可以讲了吧。
Shekinaih: Now you may speak.
Jessie: After reading the third book, I saw some visions. What I am saw is Shekinaih is judging on behalf of the ABBA FATHER. Some after being people go to Heaven but some go to the hell. People who are standing behind those who are judged immediately understood their fate. Some of these people started to cry and plead with Shekinaih. Shekinaih then looks at the ABBA FATHER as she had compassion to those who will go to hell. Tears keep dropping from Shekinaih’s eyes. After this, she started to judge them based on the Ten Commandments of ABBA FATHER. During the judgment, some go to heaven, some go to hell. Standing beside Shekinaih is Xu Dong (Jose), stamping a seal on the verdict without any expression. After the sealing, these people are taken to their assigned places. There are some who started to argue with Shekinaih, reasoning with her why they cannot enter to heaven. However, some dead beside them obediently walk toward Shekinaih. They were wearing grey clothes. Some are wearing light blue and light gray dress. This is almost the same for every dead person. They look like soul-less being; like criminals, they bow their heads and walk before Shekinaih. They did not speak a word but stand before her to be judged by her. At this moment, Shekinaih looks at the ABBA FATHER and then simply marked a tick (pass) on the book of some and a cross (fail) for others. Xu Dong (Jose) then stamps the seal and these people then disappeared. Most people got “cross” (failed), and they either become a pool of black water or become a small, black demon.
Shekinaih: 耶稣 (Jesus says) 说 This is true.
Jessie: And also very quickly, even as many living people came to plead with Shekinaih, Shekinaih just look at The ABBA FATHER and asked him whether they can be forgiven. Abba father shook his head, and Shekinaih then shed tears and gesture to these people that they cannot go to heaven. Those who make it to the Heaven, Xu Dong stamped them with red, green, blue, or yellow seals. Different people, received seals in different colors. But people who will go to hell have white, black, grey or bloody red seals. The seal which is bloody red, becomes black after it was stamped on the person. I don't understand what that means. Lord, could you explain to me what it means?
It looks like the seals with different colors represent where people will go to (different levels of heavens and hells). The paper is very large. People are sealed on their hands, necks, and even butt. I do not understand the meaning behind. God says there are some people that need to change to holy and purified garments. Angels can’t distinguish earthly colors. They can only base on the location of the seal to know where them that are judged will be allocated. And some people are sealed on their foot. Some people are sealed on the thigh. Many people take off all their clothes to exchange for the Holy garments. Angels only base on the location of those who are sealed to determine the different places they will to be sent, as well as the different types of clothes they are supposed to be given to wear. Just like different hierarchy of people in a palace. Those who receive their sealing on their feet are dressed with the most ordinary type of clothing which signify their ranking.
Shekinaih:That’s right!
Jessie:死去的人都被盖在腰上。他们没有力气。他们走在天使面前是,天使拍打他们的腰,他们就活了起来。他们穿的是灰色,浅灰色的衣服。天使根据他们腰部被盖的印,那些死去的人就有了活力。Shekinaih 只是让徐东在他们在腰上盖了印。只有Shekinaih 能决定那些人被送去哪里。那些死去的人去哪里,就是根据Shekinaih所差遣的天使。他们就像传令兵一样,送那些人去不同的地方。把门的天使, 也是David 命令差遣的。死去的人走的路跟活着的人不一样。
Dead people were sealed at their waists. They have no strength. They walk toward the angels, and as the angels pat their waist, immediately they receive strength. They are all wearing gray or light gray clothes. Angels according to the seals on their waists, those dead people become alive. Shekinaih just let Xu Dong be in charge of sealing on their waists. Only she had the authority to decide where those people will be sent to. The places the dead will be sent are according to angels sent by Shekinaih. They're like soldiers under command and will send those people to different places that are assigned for them. The guardian of the gates of these places are under the command of David. The dead and the alive will go in different paths.
Shekinaih: Different paths
Jessie:审批是这样的,死人走的这条路,通过的门是David 派遣的一些小天使引领着。活着的人,天使很高兴,很快乐地领他们到他们所属于的层次。死去的人,没有活力,天使待他们很严肃。那些亡灵,需要很长时间才能恢复生气。他们在天国里面跟活着的人生活不一样。不是一个世界。不是我们想象的,死人跟活人都在同一个地方。他们在不同的世界。是吗?
That’s how the judgment will be like: The path of the dead is led by small angels assigned by David. For those who are alive, the angels rejoice and lead them to the levels they belong with great joy. Those who are dead had no strength. Angels treat them strictly. Those dead soul need a long time to be restore as a living being. They and those who are the living live differently. It’s like another world. It is different from what we imagine. The dead and the living are living together in the same place. Both live in different worlds, is that correct?
Shekinaih:Triple confirmed by THE TRINITY standing here. It’s correct.
Jessie: 主啊?我希望我刚刚看的意象是真的。
Jessie: Lord. I hope that the visions I saw are true?
Shekinaih:”It’s correct”, these are the words written on the 3 white board THE TRINITY (THE FATHER, THE HOLY SPIRIT AND JESUS) who are standing beside me are holding now.
Jessie:我今天还想分享一个最大 的意象。我很惊讶,第二本书我没有看。就是亚伯拉罕跟莎拉都很年老的时候,来了三个白衣天使。我就问神,那三个天使是Shekinaih,David 还有徐东吗?神说,是的。我再确认,神说是的。紧接着,我就有了一个意象。
Jessie: Today, I want to share one great vision. I'm very amazed, I have not read the second book. But I saw Abraham and Sarah were old and three angles came to them. I asked God, were those three angels Shekinaih, K David and Xudong (Jose)? God says, Yes. I asked again. God says Yes. Then, I had another vision.
Shekinaih: 圣夫,圣灵,圣子站在那里说:"这是对的,除了这个部份: 其中的两个天使是同一个人,而不是徐东(Jose):Shekinaih 代表 圣灵(第一个人)在 圣夫(另一个人)里面和 第三个 天使 是 K David , 代表耶稣。”
Shekinaih : The TRINITY stand here says it’s correct except on the part that instead of XuDong (Jose), 2 of the angels are the same person, Shekinaih whose represents the Holy Spirit (1 person) in The Father (another person) and the other 3rd angel is K David represents Jesus.
Jessie: 我看到摩西在西奈山上拜见神的时候,我看到Shekinaih在摩西的右手边。那时候摩西已经很年迈了,他的右手还拄了拐杖。耶和华的圣火很大。摩西毕竟是人,他听不懂耶和华说的话。Shekinaih作为神的天使在保护摩西不被圣火烧焦。Shekinaih也不说话,站在摩西旁边。通过Shekinaih,摩西才可以听懂神所说的话。摩西之所以呆了那么久,是因为通过Shekinaih神把他的话语,十条戒令传达给了摩西。
Jessie: I saw Moses meeting God at Mount Sinai, and I saw Shekinaih on the right hand side of Moses. At that time, Moses was very old; he had a staff on his right hand. The holy flame of THE YAHWEH was blazing strong. Nevertheless, Moses was just a man and he did not understand what THE YAHWEH spoke to him. Shekinaih as the angel of THE YAHWEH was protecting Moses from being burned by the flame. Shekinaih do not speak at all but was standing beside Moses. It is only through Shekinaih that Moses is able to understand what THE YAHWEH is speaking to him. That’s why Moses spent such a long time on Mount Sinai because it is through Shekinaih as a mediator, the Ten Commandments are convey to him.
第一条,第二条,来回反复地指导。摩西也给神说了很多话,圣经没有记载。我四个小时所看到的一个意象,已经被我录下来了。但是,声音很小。我现在接着这个意象讲。摩西在听右边的一个声音。这个声音很小,然后他就老发问。摩西听懂神所给的十条戒令很困难。他需要不断地听反复确认。主啊,我问你,这个声音是不是通过Shekinaih 的。但是摩西不知道有这回事。摩西听不懂神说的话。神通过Shekinaih把话语传给了摩西。
One Commandment by one Commandment he was instructed repeatedly back and forth. Moses also conversed with THE YAHWEH many things but it was not recorded in the bible. These four hours of vision, I have already recorded it but the recording is very soft. Now I will relate this vision. Moses heard a voice on his right side. This voice was very small, therefore he kept requesting that it be repeated. It’s not an easy task for Moses to understand the Ten Commandments. He needs to listen again and again to double confirm what he heard. Lord, I ask you, did the voice came from Shekinaih? But Moses did not know Shekinaih was there. Moses alone was not able to understand what God spoke to him. Only through Shekinaih, God’s messages and his words were passed to Moses.
This trip to Singapore, it is through the summary and pictures of Book 1 and 2 of Behold, My Messenger Series that I saw many visions. I can confirm that they are from God. And I still have another vision. I asked God, God! Why did you give me see these visions? What was your intention? God then told me that he wanted me to testify and be a witness to speak out the power and authority of Shekinaih and David.
而且,神会大大使用我。我看到我长了翅膀,变成一只很大的火凤凰。Shekinaih就告诉我去哪个城市,找哪个人。我很多年前就看到意象城市里都是黑压压的人。他们都匍匐在地上,但是我能看到穿白衣的人。我能判断神要选谁,Shekinaih 就可以像钓鱼一样把他们带走。
Also, God will use me mightily. I saw I had grew wings, and becomes a big fire Phoenix. Shekinaih would instruct me which city I shall go to, and who to look for? Many years ago, I have already saw in a vision of the cities full of dark figures. They are all crawling on the ground, but I can see people dressed in white. I can tell which one God will choose whom Shekinaih will fish them out and take away.
God says this way, it would save time. God through this way use me will quickly choose those 144,000. This is because there is not much time left. Whenever someone asked me whether Noah or a friend from China, I can respond quickly. However I rarely had this ability when I am alone. Every time, when I see a vision, after repeated meditation, I saw no change in me. I have seen many times this vision about my last day’s Mission, like a ship forwarding gold, silver and food to Heaven. God let me be a forwarding officer.
(我看到)好多次了。神让我看到Shekinaih一直坐在神的右边,耶和华的右边。他也让我看到书里面的意象,都是正确的。甚至耶稣很多时候都听Shekinaih的话,就像一个 小婴孩,小绵羊一样。我是能看到的。
I saw this vision many times. God let me see the Shekinaih sitting at the right hand side of God, on his right hand of JESUS. He also let me see the visions from the book are correct. Even in many occasions, even Jesus listens to Shekinaih, like a little child, a little sheep. I was able to see it.
Jessie, China