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Jessie’s Vision of Revelation

Chapter 12 Onwards on 18 Sept 2017

Shekinaih : 阿爸父,请让洁西,看到关于启示录第十二章的异象。

Hooooooo.....Hooooooo.....Hooooooo….. 当我吹号时,这已经给予了。

Shekinaih: ABBA FATHER, please let Jessie see visions regarding Revelation Chapter 12.  Hooooooo.....Hooooooo.....Hooooooo….. Imparted into you already as I blow the horn.


Jessie: 页在翻嘛。在翻的时候,里面好像也有耶稣的头像,也有你带着女皇冠的像,你知道吗?就这样一页一页翻,然后我就看了,有的是耶稣,有的是你带着皇冠的里面的那个样子。 就是这样,书,一页一页地在我的脑子里面这样翻。你看我刚才又看到了,就是这样,每一页每一页地翻,one page, one page. 翻得很快,前半部分好像是耶稣,后半部分就是你带着皇冠的那个头像。然后,我刚才又看到,这本书展开以后,我看到大卫打着一把sword,剑。然后就剑锋指着这个书的中间。 这样,看到他穿着战袍,那剑指着这个书,这样。


Jessie: Pages are flipping. As they flip, within there seems to have the images of Jesus; and also images of you wearing an Empress’ crown, do you know? Just like this, page by page as it flips, I saw some images of JESUS, and some images of you wearing an Empress’s crown which looks like the one inside book. In this way, the book page by page flip in my brain. You see just now I again see in this way page by page flipping very fast; the first half seems to be Jesus’s image, the latter part is the image of you with the Empress’s crown. After this, I see after this book is made public, I saw David holding a sword and pointing the blade at the center of the book. In this way, I saw him wearing an armor coat; pointing a sword at the book, like this.


Shekinaih: Hooooooo.....Hooooooo.....Hooooooo…..继续说。

Shekinaih: Hooooooo.....Hooooooo.....Hooooooo…..Continue.

Jessie: 然后,我又看见大卫把这个书好像穿透了,拿剑举起来。他一举的时候,好像有千军万马耶,而且那个声音很大。好像有千军万马,要跟着他打战的样子。好多穿着古代的那种衣服,古代的那种铠甲。就跑着要跟他征战,不知道要跟他去干什么。好多啊。好多。

Jessie: Then I saw David pierced through the book with his sword and raised it. As he raised it up, there appear tumultuous thousands upon thousands of soldiers and horsemen. And, that sound is very loud, as if there are thousands upon thousands of horses and soldiers, wanting to fight for him. There are many soldiers wearing ancient armors who are following him in battle. But I don’t know what these soldiers will do with him. There are so many, so many.


Jessie: 好多军人。Soldiers! 好多军人,好多部队的军人。就好像都举着剑要去打战,就这样子的。就是大卫拿着这个剑,把这个书穿破了,就站在那里这么一举,就好多千军万马。

Jessie: Many soldiers. Soldiers! A lot of soldiers; many troops of soldiers. They seem to be lifting their swords ready for war; just like this. It is after David took the sword and pierced through the book and stood there raising his sword that thousands upon thousands of soldiers and horsemen appear before him.


Jessie: 嗯,举起来。 就那个剑举着这本书嘛,拿着那个剑头举着这本书,就好多千军万马就狂奔,要跟着打战似的。

Jessie: Yes, lift it up; it is that sword which lifted the book; he gripped the holder of the sword and lifted the pierced book, then thousands upon thousands of soldiers and horsemen started to charge wildly following him for battle.


Shekinaih: 嗯。

Shekinaih: Ok.

Jessie: 然后我就看到你在后面吹号角。你不是在后面,在军队的上面在吹号角。我都听到了那个呜呜呜的声音。其实,我也能听到那个部队的号声,千军万马的声音。然后,我这会又看到那本书,他举着的那个剑,那个书。哎就是,好像有血流出来,顺着他的剑流下来。书都变得红红的啦,全是血。

Jessie: Then I saw you blowing horn at the rear; you are not at the rear but above the troops blowing horn. I heard the voice of your sounding. In fact, I can also hear the battle cry of the sounding of the trumpets amid the thousands upon thousands of soldiers and horsemen. After this, I again saw the book; David lifts up the sword; the book; oh! There is blood flowing out of that book which flows down along the blade of his sword. The book is completely soaked with blood.


Shekinaih: 酒醡?  那个脚在压那些身体啊?血就出来。七个脚。

Shekinaih: Winepress? The leg that presses on the bodies? Blood flows out. The seven legs.


Shekinaih: Hooooooo.....Hooooooo.....Hooooooo….. 还有吗?

Shekinaih: Hooooooo.....Hooooooo.....Hooooooo…..  Anymore?


Jessie: 然后,这个带血的书。然后大卫就像战士一样,把那个书插在地下。然后就单腿跪地,就好像,在接受命令一下,在喊着阿爸父。底下在说什么,我就不知道。 然后,最后那句话是, “你下命令吧。” 就是“阿爸父,你下命令吧。”然后就看到你的大旗一挥,David 就指着剑,就往前冲啊。大家,千军万马,跟着他,就往前冲。哇,冲在前面,全是黑鬼,全是黑的。还是之前看到的那个异象,又去征战。全是黑色的。他们就杀呀,打呀。那样的。然后看到大卫插着一个黑的,非常大的一个魔鬼。很大很大。一插着就变成一个大蟒蛇一样。然后我后面几个文字就是写着:“捆绑这个魔鬼撒旦一千年”。就这么几个字出来了。

Jessie: After this; this book soaked with blood; David, like a warrior pierced the book into the ground. He then with one leg kneeling on the ground; as if ready to receive order, he cry out to ABBA FATHER. I cannot hear what he said. I could hear his last sentence is, "Just release your decree, ABBA FATHER; your decree”.  And then I saw you wave the big flag; David then point his sword and rushes forward. Everyone among the thousands upon thousands of soldiers and horsemen follow him and rush forward. Wow! Before them are all black demons, all black. They then clash with them.

I then saw David pierced a black; a very big demon; a gigantic demon.  The moment it was pierced, it turned into a big python. Then I saw behind me written these words, "Bind this Devil Satan for a thousand years." These are the words that appear.

K David: 哈米吉多顿之战

K David: Battle of Armageddon!


Shekinaih: 圣父,圣灵,圣子站在这里全部确认。

Shekinaih: The TRINITY standing here, Triple Confirmed.


Jessie: 然后我看到大卫,就是好像从天上来了一个大锁链。不是Shekinaih那来的,好像是阿爸父扔下来的还是耶稣扔下来的。我先看看。好像阿爸父扔下一个特别粗的link啊。很粗的铁等那个link。然后David 接住,就把这个蟒蛇,这个魔鬼把它缠住了。

Jessie:  I then saw David; and a big chain dropping from heaven. It is not from Shekinaih but I think like THE ABBA FATHER or JESUS threw it down. Let me see again. It seems that THE ABBA FATHER threw down a very thick chain; a very thick iron chain. After that, David caught hold off this python; and bound this devil.


Shekinaih: 我看到就是我在天扔下来了一个大锁链. 我在阿爸父里面。穿那个金色的衣服,把一个大锁链从天上扔下来。

Shekinaih: I saw I threw the big chain down from heaven. I am inside THE ABBA FATHER wearing the gold garment, threw the big chain down.


Jessie: 我没有看到你在扔。反正这个链子就是从。。。

Jessie: I didn’t see you do it. Anyway, this chain was from…


Shekinaih: 你在讲的时候我在看。 

Shekinaih: When you were speaking, I was seeing it.

Jessie: 好像从,就从天上。不是从你的手里,就从天上。我好像只看到一个阿爸父的脑袋,很大很大。链子从天上掉下来,然后魔鬼就被大卫这样捆住。然后大卫有剑吗?他就用剑把魔鬼挑在肩膀上,然后把他扔到一个非常深的,底下的一个火湖嘛。 很深,然后他一下扔进去。好像,非常深,他掉了很久很久,很久。掉在那个火坑里面。就这样。 然后大家就欢呼,跳跃。大卫也很高兴。大家就欢呼。从来没有见过大家这么高兴地笑过。就这样。好像打战胜利了一样,就这样。就把这个魔鬼,大蟒蛇捆绑,就扔到里面去。大概就胜利了。

Jessie: It looks like that, it is from the heaven. But I did not see you, it is from heaven. I seem to see the head of THE ABBA FATHER, which is very big. The chain fell from the heaven and then the devil was bound by David. After this, does David has his sword? He with the sword pierced the devil and place it on his shoulder and threw it into a very deep pit whose bottom is a lake of fire. It is very deep.


The moment David threw it into it, it seems that, the pit is very deep because the devil fell for a long, long, long time, very long time to reach the pit with fire. This is how it is. After that, everyone cheers and dances. David was also very happy. Everyone cheers. I have never see everyone so happy laughing before. In this way like triumphing after a victory in a war. In this way; the devil, the big python was bound and thrown inside. It seems that they have victory over it. 


Shekinaih: Ok. 你在看的时候呢,我听神讲啦。 你看我代表圣灵会比较清楚,神跟我讲。


Shekinaih: Ok. When you were seeing, I heard from The TRINITY that you can see me representing THE HOLY SPIRIT more clearly.


Jessie: 你再说一遍。

Jessie: Could you repeat?


Shekinaih: 你在讲的时候,神跟我讲呢,你看我代表圣灵会比较清楚。但是我在阿爸父的里面呢,你就看到比较模糊,神跟我讲。

Shekinaih: When you were speaking, The TRINITY told me that you can see me representing THE HOLY SPIRIT more clearly. However, your view of me inside the Abba Father is more blur, God explained to me.


Jessie: Oh!

Shekinaih: 因为呢,你的distance呢,他跟我讲。距离。你的距离too far apart。你眼色的距离too far apart。你的距离很远,所以呢你看我代表圣灵更清楚.你看我在阿爸父里面比较模糊。因为你的眼色的距离比较远,没有那么清楚。他现在跟我解释。

Shekinaih: This is because of your distance. He told me. Distance. Your distance from him is too far apart. Your spiritual sight’s distance from Him is too far apart. Your distance is far apart. That is the reason you see me representing THE HOLY SPIRIT clearer but your perception of me inside THE ABBA FATHER is blur. This is because the distance of your sight of Him was very far, thus you cannot see clearly. The TRINITY explain to me.


Jessie: 嗯。

Jessie: Ok.

Shekinaih: 所以你只有看到那大大的脑丢下来。但是我看的是,我在阿爸父的里面,穿着金色的袍,丢那个链下来代表阿爸父嘛。

Shekinaih: Therefore, you only saw that gigantic head coming down but I saw I was inside THE ABBA FATHER wearing a gold garment, representing THE ABBA FATHER throwing that chain down.


Jessie: 嗯,就这样的一个过程。对。

Jessie: Yes, it was a process like that. Yes.


Shekinaih: 还有吗?

Shekinaih: Anymore?


Jessie: 然后魔鬼的那个坑就合死了。裂开的那个缝呢,就合起来了。合起来了。别的没有了。

Jessie: After this, the hole which the devil fell into was sealed. The crack closed up. It was closed. That’s all.  


K David: Ask her about the Man-child of Revelation 12.


Jessie: 好像你一挥手,挥那个令。那个令旗啊,就打道回府了。好像大家就打道回府一样的。

Jessie: It seems that when you wave your hand; wave that decree, everyone begin to retreat and return home. It seemed that everyone return to their home.


Shekinaih: Ok. 我进一步下载了启示录第12章及以后的更多内容, 给你看啊。其启示第录12章及以后。Hooooooo.....Hooooooo.....Hooooooo….. Ok. 异象已经下载了。我已经吹在你的灵人里面了,充满了光亮。

Shekinaih: Ok. I have further downloaded Revelation 12 and beyond into you. It’s Revelation 12 and beyond. Hooooooo.....Hooooooo.....Hooooooo…..  Ok. The visions has been downloaded. I have blown it into your spirit man and have filled it with light. 

Jessie: 好,启示录第什么章节?

Jessie: Ok, which chapter in the Book of Revelation?

Shekinaih: 启示录第十二章。你现在不需要读圣经。告诉我你在看什么

Shekinaih: Revelation chapter 12. You do not need to read the bible now. Just tell me what you are seeing.


Jessie: 哦。。。我看一下啊。我不知道启示录第十二章是什么。

Jessie: Oh… Let me check. I don’t know what is in Revelation 12


Shekinaih: 不用紧,你就跟我说你第十二章看到什么?

Shekinaih: It’s ok, just tell me what you see regarding Revelation 12.


Jessie: 我看到两个马头。两个白马的马头还有一碗血。两个白马在天上狂奔,这样奔下来。有一碗血倒下来。

Jessie: I saw two horses’ heads; two white horses’ heads and one bowl of blood; two white horses running wildly coming down from heaven, and blood pouring down from a bowl.


Jessie: 一个碗里面有血倒下来。 那个碗里面有血。

Jessie: A bowl of blood pouring down. Inside the bowl, there is blood.


Jessie: 从天上下来,对,两头马。

Jessie: From heaven coming down. Yes. Two horses.

K David: 两头白色的马。

K David: Two white horses.

Jessie: 对,两头白马。

Jessie: Yes, two white horses.


K David: 两匹马下来?

K David: Two horses coming down?


Jessie: 两匹马下来。 就还有一把镰刀下来。

Jessie: Two horses coming down. And also a sickle coming down.


K David: 就还有一把镰刀下来?

K David: There is another sickle coming down?


K David: Ah…..


Shekinaih: 但是我看到那两匹马上写着:“Shekinaih” 和 “David”。

Shekinaih: But I see the words written on the two white horses. One is “Shekinaih”, one is “David”.


K David: Ok.


Shekinaih: Hooooooo.....Hooooooo.....Hooooooo…..  我吹给你看得更清洁,更有光亮。

Shekinaih:  Hooooooo.....Hooooooo.....Hooooooo…..  I blow horn into you to further enlighten you to see clearer.


Jessie: 嗯。

Jessie: Ok.


Shekinaih: 还有什么吗?

Shekinaih: Any more?


Jessie: 那马上确实有两个人额。

Jessie: There are surely two people sitting on those two horses.


Shekinaih: 嗯。

Shekinaih: Ok.


Jessie: 就是我从来没见过你骑过战马。你骑着这个马你还带着个红色的领巾。

Jessie: I have never seen you riding on a war horse before. You are riding on this horse wearing a red scarf.

Jessie: 就是象红领巾这样的?好像你从来没有扮成这种战。。。就是花木兰你知道吗?

Jessie: Like a red scarf? It seems that you never wear this kind of costume before. Like Hua Mulan, do you know?


Jessie: 就将领嘛,骑着战马,穿着靴子,还带着一个红丝巾这样的。我也从来没见过大卫穿得是蓝色的。你是穿的是紫红色的,大卫穿的是蓝色的。他也驾着一匹马,就从天而降了。

Jessie: Like a general, riding on a war horse, wearing boots with a red scarf. I have also never seen David wearing a blue costume. You are wearing the magenta costume. David is wearing a blue costume. He is also riding on a horse descending from heaven.

Shekinaih: 你看到每个人骑在每一匹马上吗?

Shekinaih: Do you see each person riding on each individual horse?


Jessie: 对。 因为我从来没见你这样对打扮嘛,一种象统帅一样的打扮。

Jessie: Yes. Because I have never seen you attired like this before, like a commander in chief.

K David: General?


Jessie: 就刚才看的马是马头嘛,又看到马,现在看到的是两个人骑的马下来,然后。。。

Jessie: Just now the horses I saw were horse heads. I also saw horses; now, I saw two people riding horses coming down. Then…


Shekinaih: 我代表YAHWEH SABAOTH, 万军之耶和华, 也是…

Shekinaih: I represent THE YAHWEH SABAOTH, The Lord of Host and also…


Jessie: 那个马好像大卫的马在前面多出一个马头来。

Jessie: David’s horse is one horse head ahead of your horse.


Shekinaih : 他代表军队的元帅.

Shekinaih: He represents the Captain of The Host.


Jessie: 哦,你很勇敢地,就是,冲下来。大卫的碗也不知道是从哪倒下来的是血,也不知道是谁倒的。只是看到一个大手,那个碗里面的血往下倒。

Jessie: Oh, you valiantly gallop down. I don’t know where the blood comes from David’s bowl. I also don’t know who pour the blood. I only saw a giant hand, and the bowl of blood pouring down.


Shekinaih:  穿着那个金色的衣袍抱那个碗下来,用我的右手。额,拿着那个碗下来执行这个法令,和David 在我身边低于我的腰身,正在共同执行

Shekinaih: I saw a giant me representing The Abba Father, wearing the gold garment with my right hand holding the bowl, came down to execute the decree and David is inside me at below my waist height, is co-executing it .

Jessie: 就是这个碗呢,应该是在大卫的右边。你的马,你是在。。。我是面对着马了,我给你讲。我查一下,面对着马。

Jessie: That’s the bowl, which should be on the right hand side of David. Your horse, you are… My sight is facing the horse. Let me explain to you. Let me see check, facing the horse.


K David: Facing the horse?


Jessie: 面对着马。哎呀,我不会画。就是,我是面对着马看的,然后我的右手的对面就是Shekinaih,左手的对面就是大卫。然后那个碗,是在大卫的右手边倒下来的。碗里的血。什么意思?

Jessie: Facing the horse. Oh, I don’t know how to draw it out. I am seeing from the direction which faces the horse. Opposite me on my right hand is Shekinaih, and facing opposite me on my left is David. After that the bowl is pour from David’s right hand side; the bowl of blood. What does this mean?


Shekinaih: Blood of the Martyrs!


K David: Ok. Blood of the Martyrs.


Jessie: 镰刀也是从天上掉下来的。

Jessie: The sickle also falling down from heaven.


Shekinaih: 我也是看到,你讲的时候,我穿那个金色的衣袍,也把那个镰刀丢下来把。

Shekinaih: I also saw it when you were speaking; I am wearing a gold garment threw the sickle down.

Jessie: 我不知道,没看清楚它是怎么掉下来的。反正是从天上掉下来的。

Jessie: I don’t know, I didn’t see clearly how it fell down. Anyway, it fell down from the heaven.


Shekinaih: 对, 现在的TRINITY站在这里,三重证实了我所看到的。

Shekinaih: Yes, The TRINITY standing here now, triple confirmed what I saw.


Jessie: 嗯。

Jessie: Ok.


Shekinaih:Hooooooo.....Hooooooo.....Hooooooo…..ok.Clarity enhanced. 继续吧。



Jessie: 按你们的马等于就是,好像从从天上到地上来了嘛。下来了嘛。马下来了。然后你就在捡白衣,就是穿着白衣裙的,在那人群中不多的那个白的。然后你又在那里点数嘛。点人数。然后大卫好像带领他们。然后,天上有一道光,很像那个马,很快。然后,就像长着翅膀一样的,嗖就飞走了。然后那些白的人,你点到哪,那些白的人就跟着他走了。很快,就像一道光似的。

Jessie: According to your horse coming from the heaven to the ground; have they landed? Coming soon. Next, I saw you picking up white garments; those who are wearing white garments; among the small crowd attired with white garments. You then count and number them.

After this, David seems to be leading them.  Next, there appears a ray of light from heaven and like swift horses, they grew wings and flew away. Next, the people in white garment whom you pointed at, follow David and flew away swiftly like a flash of light.

Jessie: 就大卫,(我)看到天上的一道光,大卫骑着马,就这样人很迅速的怎么走的我看不见。反正这些穿白衣的人跟着大卫走咯。消失在光里面咯。

Jessie: It is David, I saw a light from heaven; David was riding a horse; these people swiftly disappear and my eyes could not behold. Anyway, these people are wearing white garments are following David. They disappear in the light.


K David: 消失在光中?

K David: Disappear in the lights?


Shekinaih: Shekinaih: 云端之上我看到有一个白色的船。像一艘船,白色的。这些被提的人,都上了船。一艘白色的船。

Shekinaih: Above this white cloud I saw there is a white boat. Like a ship, white color one. All these people raptured and go up into a ship; a white color ship.


Jessie: 就跟他走了。然后你就在那里点嘛,就跟点将一样。

Jessie: They all go with him. Next, you are still selecting, like selecting generals.


Jessie: 就指嘛。你找到,point.

Jessie: Point. You find it, you select.


Shekinaih: 哦。“任命谁被提” 我看到这些字。

Shekinaih: Oh。”Appoint who to rapture”, I see this word.


Jessie: 就是你看到白的,你就。

Jessie: It means when you saw the people wearing white, you will…


Shekinaih: 对。寻找那些应该  被提的。

Shekinaih: Yes. Looking for those who are supposed to be raptured.


Jessie: 然后就被大卫带走了。怎么带走的我不知道,反正有光。然后人就走了。

Jessie: They are then taken away by David. How they are taken, I do not know? Anyway, first the light and the next these people are lifted up.


Shekinaih: 他上去的天上那边有一个白色的船。上去那边站在那个船的上面。在天空里面。

Shekinaih: On his way up, there is a white boat. David then stood on top of that boat in the air.


Jessie: 那个碗里面倒出来的是血,但是快落地的时候,好像都是一些黑色的东西。黑色的小鬼啊,像什么的。很小。

Jessie: Blood is pouring out of that bowl. But when it almost hits the ground, it seems these are some black things; like black, small demons, very small.

Shekinaih: Calamities.


Jessie: 而且倒不完。

Jessie: And also the blood seems not to be emptied from the bowl.


Shekinaih: Calamities. 灾难。那些黑黑的东西都是灾难。

Shekinaih: Calamities. Those black things are all calamities.

Jessie: 灾难?就是一直倒不完了。那个碗里面就一直在流,一直在流。血就流下来,快到地上的时候都是黑黑的。哎呀,我也看到一些魔鬼。

Jessie: Calamities? It seems the blood cannot be emptied.

The bowl of blood keep flowing out, keep flowing out, blood keep flowing out. As it almost touch the ground, it turn into black demons.


Shekinaih: 碗外有这个字的灾难.

Shekinaih: The bowl has the word “Calamities” written on it



Jessie: 然后我又看到这些黑黑的咯。你不是在点这些白色的,圣洁的人嘛。

Jessie: I then see these black things; you are selecting those people wearing in white, who are holy.



Shekinaih: 对。”任命 who to rapture”, I see these words.

Shekinaih: Yes. “Appoint who to rapture”, I see these words.


Jessie: 这些圣洁的人嘛。我看他们好像在反抗,就是来拽他们了。就是这些小魔鬼在拽它们,把白的都往地下拽。然后你呢,你一吹,那些黑的就都掉下来了。

Jessie: These holy people; I saw them resisting the small black demons who have pull them down. These demons want to pull those people in white garments down. You then with a blow from your breath, those small demons all started to fall down.


Shekinaih: They tried to distract them from their destiny and to miss their rapture moments.

Jessie: 一吹,这些魔鬼好像又化成血了,然后白的都得救了,跟着大卫走了。然后他们满世界去找这些穿白衣服的人。找,很多。哎,这些小魔鬼太多了,遍地都是。他们满世界去找。

Jessie: When you blow, those demons seem to become blood again. The people wearing white garments are then saved; they follow David white garment. They found many. Oh! There are so many small demons; all over the ground. They filled the whole earth looking for those with white garments.


K David: 这是伟大的苦难

K David: That is the Great Tribulation.


Jessie: 嗯,他们想掐死穿白衣的。

Jessie: Yes. They want to strangle those who are wearing white garments.


Shekinaih: 神说 对,对,对。

Shekinaih: TRINITY stand here with triple “That’s right”.


K David: 残余与残余物作战

K David: The remnant! To make war with the remnant.


Jessie: 想掐死掐脖子。

Jessie: Thinking to strangle their neck unto death.  


Shekinaih: 我在马车带你到天堂后看到,我们会在白马身上下来。

Shekinaih: I see after I brought you up to heaven in a carriage, we will come down in the white horses.

Jessie: 这个 动作 一直没有停。一直就是你点了这个人,大卫就拉着,带着他们走。然后那黑的,从天上掉下来的那个碗里的黑的血,就一直地掉。


Jessie: You never stop doing this action; you keep pointing at certain person, David will take them away. Next, those black blood keep pouring out of the bowl from heaven, they continue to be poured down.


Shekinaih: 灾难。

Shekinaih: Calamities. .


Jessie: 我居然看到天上有彩虹。在你的右边,后面。

Jessie: I actually saw the rainbow in the sky on your right behind you.


Shekinaih: 看到这个字, “我的诺言实现了”

Shekinaih: I saw these words, “My promises fulfilled.”


Jessie: 后面,右面有彩虹出来。

Jessie: Behind, on the right there is rainbow coming out.


Shekinaih: 神说我的诺言实现了。

Shekinaih: God says that my promises are fulfilled.  


Jessie: Rainbow. 有rainbow 出来。 有彩虹。 好像。。。我又看到白衣裙,好像在靠近彩虹的地方,翩翩起舞。靠近就慢慢消失。这样。

Jessie: Rainbow. There is rainbow coming out. There is a rainbow…. I again see people in white garments; it seems they are coming near to the place where the rainbow is with dancing. When they get closer, they slowly disappear; just like this.

Shekinaih: My seven…


Jessie: 这个异象好奇秒哦。这个异象好奇秒。你让我一个人想我肯定想不出来。怎么会这样?我的脑子更本就没弄到。

Jessie: This vision is amazing. This vision is amazing. You let me imagine it out, I am very sure I could not made it out. How can it be, I didn’t use my brain to imagine.


K David: This is exactly what will happen in Revelation 12 onwards.


Shekinaih: "在彩虹中,我的七个名字在你们 (Shekinaih 和 David) 中 起来了。“ 我看到这些字。  

因为刚才我下载给你嘛。我吹吹吹那个整个异象在你的灵人里面。吹给你的眼睛看得很亮。你的耳朵,你的心,你的头脑全部很亮。 那你就可以看到嘛。So 刚才我跟你下载到你灵人里面,所以你就看得到嘛。所以有时候不清楚,我再吹,吹你看得更清楚。

Shekinaih: “My seven names have arisen through both of you (Shekinaih and Aaron K David)”, in the rainbow, I saw these words.

Because just now I have downloaded it into you. I blow the whole vision into your spirit man. I blows your eyes to see brightly; your ears, your heart and your brain to be illuminated. There is why you are able to see these visions. Therefore, sometimes when you cannot see clearly, I will blow again, blow until you can see clearer.

Jessie: 对,这个彩虹就更清晰了。

Jessie: Yes, the rainbow becomes clearer now.

Jessie: 那我又看到,哇大家又好像在乐园里面。有好多美丽的树啊,鸟呀,有鱼。就是大家很悠闲的一个地方。很美的一个地方。大家在唱圣歌,没有苦恼,没有忧愁的一个乐园的样子。我看到的是这样。我也看到耶稣跟大家一起。我怎么又看到一个镜头,看到耶稣在地下画那个审判妓女的时候,拿手指在地下画,围着他,不知道在画什么。

Jessie: Now I see again, wow, everyone seems to be staying in a paradise. There are many beautiful trees, with birds and fishes. It’s a place everyone finds leisure. It’s a very beautiful place. Everyone is singing holy songs. This is like a paradise with no sorrow nor anxiety. I see such a vision. I also saw Jesus together with everyone. I also see this scene: Jesus is drawing on the ground when everyone was judging the prostitute and is surrounding Jesus. I don’t know what he is drawing. 


Shekinaih: 写这个字: 你的罪被赦免了。写得这个字。

Shekinaih: He wrote these words: “Your sins are forgiven” These are the words written.


Jessie: 哦,就在那里画。好多人围着他,然后大家都很放松。就在乐园里面嘛,大家都是这样。很开心是看不到了,又没有声音。然后我从远处听到圣歌的声音,吹号的声音。哎呀,我就是不会演奏号的声音。唔唔唔。。。可惜了。

Jessie: Oh, he is drawing there. Many people are surrounding him. After that, everyone is very relaxed; in the paradise, everyone is like this. Then I see them no more and there is silent. However, I can hear the holy songs from afar off; and the sound of blowing horn. Oh, I just do not know how to mimic the blowing of horn. Woo…Woo…Woo… It’s a pity.

Shekinaih: 天堂的号角和敬拜。

Shekinaih: Heavenly horn and worship.


Jessie: 号的声音很浑厚。

Jessie: The horn’s sound is very deep.


Jessie: 就我看到像那个埃及的电影中那个埃及王的节奏的声音吧。我能听见但是我描述不出来那个声音。

Jessie: It’s similar to the sound effect in the movie when the Egyptian King is in parade. I can hear the sound but I don’t know how to describe it properly.



Shekinaih: It’s very deep low bass, right? Hooooooo.....Hooooooo.....Hooooooo…..


K David: 严肃的。

K David: Solemn.


Jessie: 很低。说不上来的声音。要是我能模仿就好了,天国里面的号的声音。没有痛苦,就这样的一个地方。

Jessie: Very deep low bassy sound.  It’s a sound which I can’t tell. I hope I can imitate it. It’s a sound of horn in the heavenly kingdom. This is a place which has no sorrow.


Shekinaih: 好的。我看到结尾。圣灵说“可以了“。可以了。

Shekinaih: Ok. I see the end. Holy Spirit says that’s enough. It’s enough.

Shekinaih: 可以了。圣灵,TRINITY 说 “That’s right.” 可以了。Ok。你好好地去读那个第三本书吧,给它进入你里面。那第三本书会建立你起来,给你进入你的命定。Destiny. Amen? 神爱你!Take care! Bye! Bye!

Shekinaih: It’s enough. THE HOLY SPIRIT, THE TRINITY says, “That’s right. It’s enough.” Ok. You have to read book 3 carefully and let it go into you. The Book 3 “Behold My Messenger 3, Behold My Names”, it will establish you so that you can enter into your destiny. Amen?  God loves you! Take care! Bye! Bye!


Jessie: 阿门。谢谢!

Jessie: Amen! Thank you!


K David: Amen! Bye! Bye!


Jessie: 谢谢。哎呀,David, 我又看到你穿战袍的样子,骑着战马。

Jessie: Thank you! David, I saw you again wearing a warrior’s armor, riding on a war horse.


K David: 很好!

K David: Very good!


Jessie: 好!

Jessie: Good!


K David: 你要读圣经哦。

K David: You have to read the bible.


Shekinaih: 你要读那个Book 3啊。神讲。

Shekinaih: You have to read Book 3, God says.


Jessie: Ok! Ok!

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